Knowledge Center
for pet parents
Welcome to the Holly Springs Veterinary Hospital Knowledge Center!
This section contains resources on poison control, bereavement, recalls and alerts and payment options.
Please contact us directly for specific concerns about your pet.
Poison Control
Has your pet eaten something that is not their everyday pet food, and you are not sure how it will affect them? Are you wondering if it is toxic or poisonous? It could be!
Many food items safe for us are toxic to cats and dogs. And, some things that are toxic to dogs are not toxic to cats and vice versa. It can all get pretty scary when you are not sure!
If you are concerned that something your pet has ingested will harm them, please contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. They have a knowledgeable staff with a large database. If your pet needs to see a veterinarian, they will give you a case number to help our veterinarians develop an accurate treatment plan for your pet.
Bereavement Resources
Coping with the loss of a loved one, including a pet, can be challenging, difficult, and even painful. You are not alone. There are other people that empathize with you and can provide support. Do not hesitate to reach out and connect to folks who can share with you, listen to you, and feel with you.
The Tufts Pet Loss Support Hotline
Mon-Fri 6 PM – 9 PM & a 24-hour voicemail
(508) 839-7966
NC Pet Loss Resources
Animal Abuse Resources
Local and National Resources for Families Escaping Domestic Abuse
Recalls & Alerts
For information on pet food recalls please visit
Payment Options
We accept cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover.
If you require a payment plan, we offer health care credit plans which include CareCredit and Scratchpay. You can apply in person or online. If you are interested, please ask the receptionist for more details.
Holly Springs
1050 N Main St
Holly Springs, NC 27540
Phone: (919) 567-1775
Email: [email protected]
Prescription Refills:
Text REFILLRX to 919-505-8779
Hospital Hours
Mon – Fri: 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Saturday-Sunday Closed